Author Archives: ather05

Here’s Why IT Businesses are Making the Shift

With virtualization revolutionizing the IT industry and innovation picking up the pace, more and more businesses are recognizing that outsourcing is the way ahead. We can see large organizations reducing their permanent resource pool significantly and moving towards either contractual resources. So why are we seeing this demographic shift in the market? There can be many reasons, but the most important ones are as follows:

  • The permanent resources pool skill set becomes outdated quickly and the CAPEX involved in training them is going through the roof.
  • More companies are looking towards a fixed expenditure on resources and want to avoid any surprises.
  • Employers want to adopt a contract to hire model, where they would like to evaluate the resource for some time before bringing them on board, thus reducing the risk of lawsuits and ugly legal battles.
  • Organizations want to keep themselves as lean as possible in terms of liability, so mergers and acquisitions can happen quickly and easily.

With the above points in mind, large organizations are adopting the outsourcing model as its answering to almost all of their above concerns.

So how can KROON Consultants help you with your resourcing needs?

  • We have a team of highly skilled trainers from all fields of IT and they enable our resources to quickly and easily become contributing professionals for our clients.
  • Our employees have access to our in house SMEs(Subject Matter Experts), who are available to assist in case of any escalation.
  • We believe in constant grooming and training of our resources, so that our resources can stay relevant in the market.
  • We offer technical human resource services as well as freelance consulting.